The Dance of Number Two and Three


Coincidentia Oppositorum and Hierosgamos

The Sacred Marriage of Opposites


The universe, as many mystical traditions tell us, is the ‘child’ of a Sacred marriage between the feminine and masculine forces within the One… it is the constantly self-transforming expression of their eternal mutual passion. For the human race to have a chance to survive, this cosmic sacred marriage must be mirrored and enacted in our being at every level. The Essential Mystics, Andrew Harvey, ed. 1996.

Dualism – Separateness – Polarity – Ayni (reciprocity)Reconciliation of Opposites Androgyny – Yin-Yang.  All these terms and associations resonate with us differently, but they all play important roles in understanding the qualities and energy that the Duad, Number 2, brings to the Number 3 in our personal life. Numbers 2 and 3, working in tandem, create Number 6 (The Lovers and The Devil) by act of multiplication. Evolution of the numbers gives to Number 3 the amplitude needed that conveys stability to the #2 and symbolizes growth and fruition in growth.

The triangle is a sacred symbol representing the yoni and the birth canal in many traditions. The Dance of Dark and Light is essential in our work with Tarot. Every card reflects many qualities that allude to power of energy; and once we realize that this “dance” of opposites is part of us and how we navigate our life, we understand the role of the Shadow in our acts and reactions. Energy moves with the Law of Attraction. We create with that energy depending on how we use it. Recognize this principle and how you manipulate it, all the time. Seek integrating this energy for the higher good and observe how our life changes, because this is a mysterious way to find our inner-dwelling Light.

“…the numinous as a mystery is often experienced as inner or outer Light in the abyss of darkness.” Hollis, Through the Dark Woods.

Chaos is good; it regenerates us when we can take that force that appears to be disjointed and unmanageable and use it for the higher good. How do we do this consciously? By realizing that whatever comes our way, somehow serves as Dharma. Often the blow is unexpected, but most of the time this apparent chaos responds to Cosmic Principles guided by an Intelligence or Superconsciosness beyond our comprehension. Whatever force is working on us, or in the collective consciousness at any given moment, it contains energy that can be used to harvest constructive balance with the Cosmos. Everything is energy; energy does not die, it just mutates, it changes. Impermanence is constant, unexpected, and at same time, expected. (A real Antinomy.) Energy reacts to our thoughts, words, deeds, feelings, etc., so we must use judgment, discrimination, and discernment.