Letter To An Archetype
Sometimes when we are analyzing archetypes and the roles they have played or are still playing in our lives, we might feel compelled to write something down. Why not a letter to the archetype? If you allow the free flow of ideas, forgetting the grammar, just letting your pen slide freely and uninhibited down the blank piece of paper, or through the keystrokes of your PC, you will find yourself entering a new world where you can communicate openly and freely with your Guides and Teachers.
It is always useful to enter Sacred Space and to align yourself with the harmonies of the universe before doing any of these exercises. Remember that you are entering a different level of reality.
Quietly state your intention. Place the Tarot card(s) in front of you and invoke Spirit. Allow the Sacred Space to enfold you and as you feel secure and comfortable within the wings of your intentions, start writing without any concern about structures, grammar or correct approach. Just let your mind and your thoughts flow freely. And, be honest with yourself.
I find that focusing on the card and writing a letter to the individual in the picture, to the landscape or to any particular object that calls out your attention unleashes a tremendous flow of feelings and emotions and recollections.
And, if not a letter, why not a brief poem or a song? You would be amazed at how creativity manifests whenever we allow our feelings and emotions free access to our consciousness.

Have you ever sought refuge in a Hermit energy or archetype? Have you ever sought counsel? Have you seen yourself in dreams walking, wandering around the streets of an old city in search of an answer to a question? Has there ever been a situation in your life where the archetype of a Hermit carrying a lantern came up and served to show you the way to clarify and illumine your path?
Place yourself within reach of this archetype. Ask him the questions you have longed to ask him. Take the lantern from his hand and show him where that light should have been for you and why; or just thank him for being there and for guiding you when needed. It is your story. Weave it in confidence.
Imagine yourself as the Hermit: where would you be using that lantern next?
And, don't forget the happy ending.