The Hermetic Law of Polarity is often assigned to number 2. However, this principle can be applied to all the tarot cards as well as to all numbers. It’s all about the manner we interpretate and access the energy being projected onto us from the illustrations; it is about actions and reactions, regardless the card you receive in a reading. What qualities have formed your life; what archetypes define who you are at this moment? All matters. We are forming and in-forming our energy constantly. Everything is energy. How you live your life matters. How we use power and energy everyday matters.
The mystical Law of Attraction is implied different when we connect to the Law of Polarity. Because all these laws and principles are, in a way, leading us to new levels of consciousness we need assimilate through life.
We should recognize that one of the key meanings of the lemniscate is to remind us of the constant changes we all experience. Nothing is permanent, and our ability to stay in the center, moving back and forth with cadences of balance and self-regulation that penetrate our soul beyond ego
Year 2022: The Lovers. The Law of Attraction. Think of Number Two repeated three times this year unfolding energies that constantly give birth and incubate energy of twins and duality, but also energy of separation, discord, disparity, contradictions, and so much more. Number 2 moves back and forth between extremes as a see/saw, up and down, attracting and rejecting. But, as the Principle of Correspondences or the Principle of “Ayni,” the search for Equilibrium or the Principle of Reciprocity, etc., require deep recognition of the higher dimensions these words carry; otherwise, we misunderstand their mystical value.
The basic quality of Two is to trigger consciousness with “conscience,” a word that has been ignored for too long. To resolve any issue from duality we should understand that #2 opens the need of a Gate of Wisdom. Duality brings forth polarity and contradiction and paradox. This is the lemniscate of our life. Without polarity, for example, we would be stuck with no choice. Once the gates of #2 open, we are in the reign of Infinity. Remember that here we have the domain of the Higher Priestess, who can navigate Heaven and Hell with no concerns because the Magician is equilibrating the Above and Below constantly with his lemniscate
So, what about Number Three? Well, #3 opens the potential of multiplicity, and allows growth, change, birth and rebirth. Once we have three, we can use sacred concepts and sacred geometry that make sense at various levels at the same time. The triangle stabilizes and suggests evolution. In many traditions the triangle represents the womb, Delta, the birth canal, yoni, vagina.
In Tarot the Empress is the Queen of Earth; she is pregnant in the traditional esoteric decks. She represents: Fertility - Cornucopia, Mother Nature, Abundance, Gaia, etc. There are so many levels here applicable to our present questions about the future of humanity and the planet. Manly Hall makes a strong point about this Queen/Empress evoking Binah the Mother and the third Sephirah on the Tree of Life: She is the third Arcanum in Tarot and completes the Holy Triad: Kether – Crown; Chokmah - The Father; Binah - The Mother. According to Cabala, AB, the father, impregnates Ama with the Yod; Ama becomes Aima and that is how Binah the Mother gives birth to Humanity and all that is part of the Planet. Yod is the seed. Binah, the Mother, seat of Number Three, is the Beloved Creator and generates the seven Elohim, the energies that bring judgement to us according to the way we use the Light of Creation along our journey.
Note: Saturn, the Dark restrictor, sits on Binah, the domain of the Mother, Binah. The Planet Saturn is assigned in esoteric schools to Earth as Capricorn, domain of Satan as Lucifer, and also connects with Venus, The Morning Star.
There are many suggestions when we dig deep into all these attributions accumulated from many traditions and ages.