Working With Majors And Courts
If you are experiencing a challenging situation with a particular individual, I might suggest in a reading to go through the Majors and consciously pick one card that might describe for you either the situation or how you feel about it.
Place the Major you picked in the center of the table, in front of you. Now, pick two Court cards: The first court will represent the individual you are having the problem with. The econd court card will represent you, as you see yourself when dealing with this individual. Place one card to the left, and the other to the right of the Major. Now, look at how the energies move from one card to the other on this "triad" of your own creation.
For example, in a recent reading, a client selected The Devil as the Major Arcanum symbolizing the issue, which dealt with both love (or rather sex) and money. He felt being tied down emotionally to incomprehensible and "over the top" ridiculous dilemmas and unable to make a clear cut, away from the situation and toward a positive resolution. When asked about the individual creating the havoc and distress in his life, he picked the Knight of Swords, but he confessed that it felt to him as both the Queen of Wands and the Knight of Swords. Interesting combination! For himself, he picked the Page of Swords. Now, this man was 58 years old, so selecting this Page was a bit awkward. When I asked why the Page of Swords, he noted that he felt like a juvenile, sometimes even helpless, just waiting for the right opportunity to use his sword, even if a bit afraid, but nevertheless he felt that he was in the rightful position and on "higher ground," just waiting patiently... or perhaps waiting now in despair.
There is much that I could say here about this dilemma as depicted by the pictures he chose, and indeed I did, to him. But here, the important thing is how we see ourselves within specific archetypal energies and how we can use the cards to help us understand our reactions and choices in life.

Notice how the energies go here from one card into the other.
So, I asked, why did he not place himself to the right of the Devil and his challenge to the left instead? If the Knight were switched to the left, then his energy would be moving away from the Devil, and he could then place himself to the right and be on guard, just waiting, or maybe now just cautious and with less stress. Would there be another card that could help him feel more secure in his new position? He immediately picked the King of Swords.
So this is how his "triad" looked at the end.